Why is it named Plantation?

Plantation by definition is “A Large Farm or Estate” and that’s exactly what we are!

How much does everything cost?

Please refer to our website where it says at the top of the page “Buy Tickets”.
It will have a link and you can choose what you are wanting to do at the hayride and what it costs.

If you would like to buy on site, you can do that too!

Does the hayride ticket include everything here?

We have MANY attractions. The Hayride is just for the HAYRIDE. We have a walk through in the woods, a Zombie Bus, Carnival games and much more. Tickets are bought for EACH attraction.

How long is the ride?

Expect 30-40 minutes for the entire ride start to finish.

How scary is it?

VERY! We suggest the age limit of 12 and older to come and ride with us! If thats too old we do have kid attractions which is the Zombie Bus that shoots LIVE Zombies with paintballs, Carnival games, Movies, Axe Throwing, Dunk Tank and Many many more things to do!

Are there discounts for Kids?

No. If the child takes a seat on the hayride, they have to pay the general admission price.

IF they are held on your lap and do not sit on the bench they can ride for free.

Are there discounts for Senior Citizens?

Yes seniors are a 10% discount

Are there discounts for First Responders?

Yes! 10% discount for first responders, please show your badge, license certification or a door pass badge.

Will you get bloody?

YES! Please beware we tell everyone not to wear WHITE! Our blood is washable but the ride is 30 minutes so it may absorb into the fabric in that time frame.

Are there animals out there?

YES! We do have some animals that will be out there that are part of the show and they are not harmed, well fed and also very very Happy!

Can I pay for me and hold my kid?

Yes! But the child MUST sit on YOUR LAP. They cannot move at any time during the ride since we can only fit so many per trailer.

Can I smoke?

Absolutely not! We have people who are sensitive to smoke, on the trailers, off the trailers and on the trail which can trigger some of the patrons ASTHMA. IF you are caught smoking on the trailer during the ride you will be asked to leave and get off the trailer in the middle of the woods and there will be no refunds. WE have signs and have it in designated areas. Please do it before getting on the ride if you need to smoke.

Can I take my baby?

You can, but we do not suggest it. There are loud noises, fog machines, chainsaws and more that could scare them! There is areas where if you have another adult they can sit by the campfire and watch the people interact with the characters, or play games or hang out in our barn where there is lit porches, movies and more to entertain.

Can I be pregnant?

Yes! You will not be getting off the ride. You will get on the trailer ride and be dropped off in the same spot.

Can I take my drink?

Not on the ride. We do offer drinks around the barn and carnival game areas and you are free to drink there and walk around.

What time do I need to be on the hayride?

The Hayride starts at DARK. Normally the time you would consider is 8:00 earlier in the month, and 7:00pm towards later in the month.

Why can’t I buy tickets for the hayride and the zombie bus at the same time?

They are 2 separate LLC’s. Unfortunately, two different accounts, two different businesses since they were established in different years.

Who owns all of this?

Bryan Adair, Andi Goodnight and Gary Goodnight are the owners.

How many acres does this sit on?

The Hayride runs on 80 acres.

Do you need actors?

ALWAYS! We love to have new, fun and exciting actors each year so we can grow our group and it’s fun and exciting to meet new people!

If actors touch me, can I touch them back?

ABSOLUTELY NOT. This is part of the waiver you signed when you bought the ticket and you are here to be scared, Right? We have officers on site and we will stop the hayride and have you removed off the trailer, no refunds, and banned from the property. We take this very seriously as we have MINORS working for us and it could lead to prosecution depending on the act that was taken. Please don’t ruin the ride of others by doing this, they have paid just like you and this is part of the fun.

Can you tell the actors not to touch me?

No. This is again part of the waiver. If you do not want to be touched say “Mercy”. This safe word has them trained to move along and not continue to scare you anymore and will move to the next person.

Can you tell the actors not to scare me?

No. If you don’t want to be scared say the safe word “Mercy” and they will move along.